Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

                The book The Perks of Being a wallflower is a really good coming of age tale. It's the point of view of a teenager named Charlie who is going through High school. This book is basically a diary but a little bit more "intimate" and instead of him writing in a book he is sending them to someone we never really find out who, but it doesn't matter because when you read it, it feels like he is sending them to you. There are many points in this book which just get you to stop and think. For example my favorite quote from this book is " Charlie, we accept the love we think we deserve," (page 24). If you do decide to read this book be sure to read the epilogue it gives you a little bit of information of what terrible thing that happened in the past makes him act the way he does.
              You may be wondering or not how the title got its name The Perks of Being a Wallflower. In this book there is a point where he catches his friend doing something, he listens to what his friend says about it and promises not to speak of it. His friend (Patrick) says "He's a wallflower,"  (page 37) and then to Charlie he says "You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand," (page 37). The author of this book is also the director of the movie which is great because he really did do a good job of making it a movie. You have to keep in mind that in the book his name and all his friends names aren't their real names he just uses them so the reader can not find out who he is. We never find out his real name. This book shows you the twist and turns of someone's life and what those memories even from years ago can cause you to do unexplainable things.  


  1. I like this book very much and your post about it is great

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This was a great post that made me want to read the book

  4. I like how you had several pieces of evidence to prove your point you did a very good job:)

  5. good job! I have read this book and this is what I felt like too.

  6. I have seen this movie but I haven't read the book but how you described it makes me feel like I should! I loved how you said that you feel like he is writing the book to you. Good job!

  7. Wow! The way you described the book was really great. I like how you provided how the title of the book came to be. Great job.

  8. You described the book great! I thought it was interesting that the director of the movie was also the author of the book. Good job!

  9. I sort of wanted to read this book after hearing about the movie, but I never really got the chance to read it. Your post makes me want to read the book again because it sounds like an interesting twist. Great job!
