Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Text-to-Society Blog

                       The memoir that I am reading right now is Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman. A brief summary of this book is basically this women in her late thirties gets caught for a crime she committed involving drugs 15 years before she went to jail and this book follows her around during that 1 year of her life in prison. You have probably heard of the NETFLIX original series Orange is the New Black which is based off the book and is an extreme exaggeration of everything that really happens. 
                     The central idea of this memoir is don't be  deceived by your feelings. This idea is very prominent in the beginning of the book but then towards the middle it fades then is brought up again toward the end. Basically this girl Nora gets Piper (her girlfriend at time) involved in a crime that later she rats out Piper for. "No matter how badly things had turned out between us, I never dreamed Nora would turn me in to try and save her own skin." (Kerman 22).  She thought she could trust her and I am almost positive if she was in Nora's place she would never rat out someone and ruin their life unless there was an actual reason other then saving her butt. This central idea also occurs in our life.
                     Looking at the picture I added below of the book cover you can see that before reading it you  know its about a women's year in prison. I also attached a link to an article with the highlights of the interview with Piper Kerman word for word.

Link to website with Piper Kerman's interview

Original book cover.


  1. I enjoyed your blog. Your central idea is a good lesson that many people can learn. I will think about picking up this book, it seems like a good one.

  2. your blog was very good! the word for word interview that you added a link to was helpful in seeing what she really thought. I didn't know that the Netflix original series was way different from the book, that's an interesting detail. good job!

  3. The blog is well written but I suggest relating your book with something else other than the T.V. version of your book. I feel that they are too similar to accurately compare.

  4. I enjoyed reading your blog. This book sounds very interesting and makes me want to read it. And the quote you chose had just the right amount of suspense to leave me wondering what caused Nora to turn her in.

  5. I really enjoyed your blog. I liked how you made it clear and concise. When you described the book you made it easy to understand what was happening and you didn't give any "spoiler alerts". The article that you included also did a great job at further explaining Piper's story. I would suggest adding a little more connection to society in your post, but other than that great job!
