Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Color of Water by James McBride

            The color of water  by James McBride is a great book about the hardships of people during the time of segregation and things like the Ku Klux Klan. Like the title said it is a Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother. Ruth , James's mom was a Jewish raised women who later converted to Christianity which got her through her day to day life. Ruth was a good mom who always made time to go to each of 12 kids meetings, open houses etc. She married a black man and throughout the book she is telling James about his father that passed. 
            This book is James McBrides's journey to see how he really fits into the world. He is in search of his identity. He has questions about his race and many other things he just doesn't seem to understand until he uncovers his mom's story. 

           When I started reading the book I wondered why the book was called The Color of Water . The author later explains it in his book. "...I asked whether god was black or white...'Does he like white or black people better? ' 'He loves all people he's a spirit.'... 'What color is God's spirit?' 'It doesn't have a color,' she said. 'God is the color of water. Water doesn't have a color." (51 McBride). This one part in the book James doesn't understand until he is older and is more connected to himself. The books title is referring to god as not a specific color but instead the color of water.

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