Monday, April 6, 2015

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

           The book I decided to read is Before I fall by Lauren Oliver. I liked her other book Delirium a lot so I decided to read another one of her books. What really got my attention about this book is the front cover. If you look at the top right hand corner you see what says "What if you only had one day to live." Seeing that really made me interested in how the book will turn out.
        This book is about a girl her name is Samantha Kingston and she has it al, popularity, looks. February 12th is supposed to be a normal day but it ends up being her final. Was she negligent or careful? What caused this to happen to her? But the catch is she wakes up the next morning! Want to know how, why or what read the book to find out.
         "You'll have no choice but to tear through this book!"-Jay Asher author of 13 Reasons Why
          The very first line of the prologue kind of catches you off guard "They say that just before you die your whole life flashes before your eyes, but that's not how I happened for me,"(pg. 3 Oliver). I hope you decide to read this book and that you enjoy it.